If you like this, please donate a little cash or bitcoin . You can choose how much to donate, the amounts in there are just suggestions.

Follow me on twitter so you know when I update the program @Baconismidog

Ask questions here or on twitter. Thanks

If you're on a Mac or Linux box, you can still submit good terms to the database using the links below:
Amazon   |   Ebay   |   Google   |   Bing   


  1. Hi, thanks for the extension! I can't seem to report the terms I find - qmine just tells me that I'm trying to report results on a site that you haven't added before, even when I'm on google.

    1. Hey Szhao13

      That message will show on any page that's not google/amazon/ebay/bing.com. It might be that you're getting the search term, clicking on it, and hitting Qmine (home). You need to get the search term, hit Qmine, THEN follow it. I'm guessing that's what it is cause I do that exact same thing all the time and have to go back to when I searched to hit Qmine and send the term on... :)

  2. The database is either not working, or not displaying. It is not picking up the ones I am sending over.

    1. Thanks Craig, you're correct. It seems that there has been a slight adjustment in the way the form was working. I've compensated for it now in the program but you'll need to grab a fresh copy. If you could try it out and let me know if it's working for you now.

      Thanks for looking out man!

  3. Is this software safe? Seeing as it presumably can see whatever webpages i access, and as a result get hold of my personal information!

    1. It *could* do all that stuff, but so could any program you have running now. That said, it doesn't. All it does it get the title of the current window, checks to make sure that window is one of the 4 Qmee sites, parses that title for the search term you used and submits that to a google docs form which fills a spreadsheet.

    2. Thank you for clarifying that for me :) Downloaded!! Only made 34p so far with qmee so need all the help I can get! :D

    3. Hey Hannah,

      I just updated Qmine (like 10 seconds ago) so you'll want to re-download it and use the new version. There was a small change that needed to be made to properly record the search terms users were submitting.

    4. He, I just downloaded the new updated version, searched bird cage and got a hit, and did the Ctrl 1 and a message popped up. don't think it worked :(

  4. Where is the list of search terms to try?

    1. It is usually on the home page of this site. Since I just had to update the program it wasn't actually logging terms for people recently. That coupled with the fact that it deletes terms after 7 days means it's blank right now. It should start filling up as people use it. I just sent a $0.20 term into the database about 1 minute ago. It should show up in the next 10ish minutes or so.

  5. Well, it worked, sorta. I hit the Home key to send over the search term that has a Qmee value, and a new tab opened to send over the search term, but then when the tab closed and went back to my Google search page, the Qmee tab had closed and I could not monetize it. :/

    1. Yeah, that happens to me all the time. Just go back to the page where you got the Qmee link and hit F5 or click refresh. It'll show back up

  6. How do I benefit from this? All it does is submit to you the search terms that work for qmee. I personally get nothing out of it. Unless I'm missing something?

    1. On the home page there is are clickable links. You can follow those links that others have submitted and get those Qmee rewards too.

  7. search up redwood deck just as i typed it you can use this one daily for about $0.05 to $0.08
    in the us or USD

  8. how do I uninstall Qmine? It tells me the program is running even when I exit out of Chrome. Now the program won't even show up in its original place and just pops up randomly on Chrome. SO annoying.

  9. i no longer want this software. i pressed end and it does not quit the program.
